Occasionally you may need to return an item which you have received, if you are not satisfied with your item you can return the item to us within 14 days of receipt.

The item must be returned in a resalable & unused condition. Once we have received the item, inspected the goods and they are eligible for resale you will be entitled to receive an exchange or refund. This will not include the costs occurred for postage and packaging.

We cannot refund or exchange an item which has been opened or which is not in their original condition.

All returns must have Goods Return Authorisation to obtain a Goods Return Authorisation please send an e-mail to sales@millparts.co.uk

Goods will not be accepted for return without prior authorisation.

Please ensure that the returned item is packaged correctly to safeguard the goods.

Return postage is the responsibility of the customer, we would suggest you use your local delivery service or courier. We would also recommend you use a signed for & insured service to ensure peace of mind the item is delivered to us correctly as we cannot take responsibility for damaged & lost items.

The Goods will remain responsibility of the purchaser until they have been returned to ourselves.

Faulty Items: Faulty Items must be reported within 30 days of purchase. If you believe your item is faulty please follow the returns methods above. Faulty items will be investigated by our team in-store, some items may need to be sent away to manufacturers. In respect to this we cannot provide any time frames on investigations. If the item is deemed as faulty, the item will be replaced or refunded including carriage. If the item is deemed not faulty, the item will be sent back to the delivery address recorded, carriage fees will be applied where necessary.

Warranties: Due to the nature of the products we offer, there is no warranty on any items unless stated otherwise. Any warranties offered are solely with the manufacturer of the item and we can not be responsible for warranty claims.

These conditions extend to in-store purchases as well. If you have any questions regarding returns please email us at sales@millparts.co.uk

Our details

This website is owned and operated by Millers Automotive Limited.

We are registered in England and Wales under registration number 08004553, and our registered office is at Unit 19, Donkin Road, Armstrong, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 1PF.

Our principal place of business is at Unit 19, Donkin Road, Armstrong, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 1PF

You can contact us by writing to the business address given above, by using our website contact form, by email to sales@millparts.co.uk.